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Take Action Now & Contact City Officials

Since 2020, Knoxville HEART has worked to educate local elected officials about the effectiveness of alternative response programs and how Knoxville could benefit from our own program.

Now, it’s important that our City Council, Mayor, and other officials know that the Knoxville community wants an alternative response program that responds to a wide range of mental health related crises without police presence. 

Please join us in calling, emailing, and pressuring city officials about the creation of an alternative response team.

Conversation Starters/ Talking Points

We encourage you to personalize your message to our city officials, but here are some key points you can mention. Feel free to use or reference our research as well.

Alternative Response Saves Money

  • Knoxville Police Department spends millions in overtime pay. Let’s lessen their burden & take some of the non-violent 911 calls

  • Alternative response is always less expensive than police response

  • Knoxville could save millions! What could the city of Knoxville do with just annual savings of 2-4 million to reinvest in our communities?

Alternative Response Improves Outcomes For Those In Crisis

  • All people deserve compassionate response when experiencing a mental health crisis.

  • There are many programs across the country safely running alternative response teams without need for police co-response.

  • People with serious mental health disorders are 16 times more likely than the general public to be killed during a police encounter.

  • Police presence can escalate people experiencing a mental health crisis.

  • Incarceration is not a treatment for mental health crises and exacerbates the problem.

  • There is no reason someone experiencing a mental health crisis should be at risk for arrest due to their crisis, substance use, houselessness, and more.

Email & Call Our Local Officials

Knoxville Mayor Indya Kincannon
Phone: 865-215-2040

Erin Gill - Chief Policy Officer & Deputy to the Mayor
Phone: 865-215-2029

Councilmember Lauren Rider
Phone: 865-964-3905

Councilmember Charles Thomas
Phone: 865-687-6090

Councilmember Janet Testerman
Phone: 865-250-4860

Councilmember Gwen McKenzie
Phone: 865-524-1458

Councilmember Tommy Smith
Phone: 865-567-6211

Vice Mayor Andrew Roberto
Phone: 865-406-4012

Councilmember Seema Singh
Phone: 865-368-8391

Councilmember Lynne Fugate
Phone: 865-566-7414

Councilmember Amelia Parker
Phone: 865-851-8561